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New Version of LiveAcademia is Launching Soon!

The Most Advanced Multi-Campus School Management System in Bharat.

  • We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new and improved version of LiveAcademia– The Most Advanced Multi-Campus School Management System in Bharat.

    Key Features:

    • 📡 Integrated with smart devices like GPS for enhanced security.
    • 🎥 IP Cameras to ensure a safe and monitored environment.
    • 📢 PA Systems for effective communication across campuses.
    • 💡 Smart Switchboard for Energy Management, promoting sustainability.
    • ...and many more cutting-edge features!
  • At Yantriksh Cybernetics, we believe in providing schools with innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance security, and create a conducive learning environment. With LiveAcademia, schools can now experience a seamless and technologically advanced management system that caters to the modern needs of education.

    Join us on this exciting journey towards a smarter and more efficient education system! For inquiries and demonstrations, feel free to contact us.

    Thank you for choosing Yantriksh Cybernetics - Empowering Education Through Technology! 🌐✨